

GreetingsThank you for running Lightning Deals in the past. We are emailing today to share with you tips we think may improve the success of Lightning Deals that you may choose to run in the future*. We hope these tips will be helpful in not only selecting the right product to run as a Lightning Deal, but also in improving the visibility of your Lightning Deal when it runs.

感谢你过去对“秒杀”功能的支持。 今天我们给你邮件是为了分享一些信息给你让你将来更好的利用秒杀这个功能。 我们希望这些信息不但能帮助你挑选好的产品参加秒杀,而且使你 的秒杀上线后更有效果。1) Choosing and creating your Lightning Deal

挑选和创建秒杀As you create your Lightning Deal on Seller Central, the following tips can help you select the right product to run and at what price to set your Lightning Deal:


  • Seasonality: All products have an optimal time of year in which to sell to customers. Choose the week that best optimizes the seasonality of your product.
  • 季节性。 任何产品都有季节性,在相对应的热销季节选择更有针对性的产品是最佳选择。
  • Off-Amazon prices: The price suggested by Amazon ensures that your product is the best priced product on Amazon. However, consider whether the Lightning Deal price is competitive to prices on websites outside of Amazon.
  • 亚马逊推荐的秒杀价格只是在亚马逊平台上的最佳价格,但是在亚马逊平台之外,你应该考虑你的秒杀价格比其他所有平台或者线下的价格更加优惠。
  • On-Amazon competition: Your Lightning Deal may be the best priced item on Amazon, but consider whether the price is competitive to similar products from other brands or sellers.
  • 或许你的价格是该产品在亚马逊上的最佳价格,但是你还应该考虑你的秒杀价格相比其他品牌或者类似产品是否具有优势。(否则秒杀效果可能不佳)

2) After Lightning Deal Approval

秒杀批准后After your Lightning Deal is approved, consider the following suggestions to promote and monitor your Lightning Deal before and during its run:


  • Sponsored Products marketing: You can utilize other marketing means on Amazon to promote your product and to drive traffic to your Lightning Deal.
  • 广告。 你可以利用广告来推广你的秒杀,并引流。
  • Off-Amazon marketing: Be sure to utilize social media and campaigns to promote your deal and to drive traffic to your Lightning Deal.
  • 线下推广, 记得利用社交平台来推广你的秒杀。
  • Monitor your deal: Check that your deal is not suppressed at least 25 hours before the start time. Because our system monitors Deals against the deal criteria constantly, Deals may become suppressed as conditions on the ASIN change. Click here for more information.
  • 监控你的秒杀。 确保你的秒杀在开始前25小时不是 suppressed状态,因为我们秒杀系统是实时调整,你的listing有可能被随时终止秒杀(取决于listing具体情况)
  • Optimize your deal: After submission, you can adjust the inventory and price of your Deal within the guidelines of the Dashboard. Also, if your Deal is performing well you can even add inventory to the deal while it is live.
  • 优化你的秒杀。 提交秒杀后,你可以随时调整你的秒杀价格和数量。 甚至,如果你的秒杀上线后表现良好,你还可以再秒杀过程中增加秒杀数量。

We hope this email has been helpful in learning more about how to create successful Lightning Deals. Thank you for using Lightning Deals to promote your products!

我们希望这封邮件可以帮到你学习到关于秒杀的知识。  感谢你使用秒杀功能。
